



1.    Liu, Z. & Zou, W. (2024) From Spewing Resentment to Lingering Grief: Metaphorical Constructions of IUDs and Spousal Roles in Contemporary China. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,41(1),159-179. https://doi.org/10.1177/02654075231212203. (SSCI)

2.    Liu, Z., & Zou, W. (2024) Breaking taboos in women’s reproductive health: The communication strategies used by top OB/GYN influencers in Chinese social media. Health Communication,39(4),685-696. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2181677. (SSCI)

3.    Liu, Z. (forthcoming) Performing sacredness: “Touqi Public Memorial Ceremony” as a cultural response for Chinese major disasters (2010-2019). Chinese Journal of Sociology, issue and volume number to come. (ESCI)

4.    Liu, Z., Luo, C., & Lu, J. (2023) Hate speech in the Internet context: Unpacking the roles of Internet penetration, online legal regulation, and online opinion polarization from a transnational perspective. Information development.https://doi.org/10.1177/02666669221148487. (SSCI) 

5.    Lu, J., Sun, M., & Liu, Z.* (2024) Social media and political polarization: A panel study of 36 countries from 2014 to 2020. Social Indicators Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-024-03367-y. (SSCI)

6.    Zou, W. & Liu, Z.* (2024) Unraveling Public Conspiracy Theories Toward ChatGPT in China: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Weibo Posts. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media,68(1),1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2023.2275603. (SSCI)

7.    Zou, W. & Liu, Z.*(2024) Body Politics, Reproductive Rights within Stigmatized Contexts, and Digital Media Advocacy: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Weibo Discussions on IUDs in Modern-Day China. Journal of Applied Communication Research,52(1),27-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/00909882.2023.2282514. (SSCI)

8.    Zou, W. & Liu, Z.* & Yang, X. (2024) Reclaiming Power or Reinforcing Inequities: Exploring Egg Freezing Debates on Social Media. Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2024.2372949. (SSCI)

9.    Lu, J., Liu, Z., & Jin, J. (2022) The Internet, populism, and deliberative democracy: A panel study of 167 countries from 2000 to 2018. Profesional de la information, 31(3), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2022.may.02. (SSCI) 



1.    刘子琨(待刊)。身体政治、女性健康与线上行动:社交媒体上议题公众去疾病化的话语策略。全球传媒学刊。(CSSCI)

2.    杰弗里·亚历山大、刘子琨*、许松影、朱远航(待刊)。“我期待非西方社会的新思想”——杰弗里·亚历山大谈新闻学、文化社会学与社会理论。清华社会学评论。(CSSCI集刊)

3.    刘子琨、朱远航、许松影(待刊)。“最好的文化社会学兼具高风险和创造性”——菲利普·史密斯访谈录。清华社会科学。

4.    刘子琨、约翰·彼得斯(2023)。“媒介是文化和自然环境的塑造者”:访谈媒介理论家——约翰·杜海姆·彼得斯教授, 全球传媒学刊 10(5),171-182。(CSSCI)

5.    闫岩、刘子琨*(2022)。被个别诠释的灾难:六起特大事故的新闻框架与灾难叙事。传播与社会学刊 60 (2),57-90。(TSSCI)

6.    刘子琨、闫岩(2019)。创伤、战争、起点与新生:“汶川地震十年”纪念报道中的叙事隐喻。新闻与传播评论 72(6), 68-79。(CSSCI扩展版)

7.    魏海岩、谷文浩、刘子琨(2018)。进奏院别名考证。新闻与传播研究 25(11),109-125。(CSSCI)



1.    2024 国际传播学会(ICA)人际传播方向优秀论文奖、优秀学生论文奖、盖里森优秀应用论文奖

2.    2024 北京市优秀毕业生

3.    2024 清华大学毕业生启航奖银奖

4.    2021 亚洲舆论学会(ANPOR)-亚太传播学会联盟(APCA) 优秀论文奖

5.    2021 第二十一届中国新闻传播学科研究生学术年会暨复旦大学博士生学术论坛之新闻传播学篇 优秀论文奖

6.    2021 中国新媒体传播学年会学生组特邀论文

7.    2020 武汉大学优秀毕业研究生







1.    耶鲁大学文化社会学中心研究员

2.    期刊审稿人:Social Science Computer Review; Journal of Information Technology & Politics; Online Information Review; PEC Innovation; Cogent Arts & Humanities; Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development.