


Call for Papers: Media in China


Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC)

Issue 3.1, Spring 2006

  The transformation of Chinese society over the last quarter of century, particularly in the last decade, has been accompanied by a legitimation of the importance of the market in economic and social life within context of the existing political system, along with a gradual integration into the global economy. This has had a huge impact on the mass media in China. The rise of market-orientated media has made the field, which originated from an old command model and was monopolized by Party organs, more diversified and competitive. On the other hand, there are still political and social constraints, which undermine the full development of the market-driven model. In addition, the chaotic journalistic practices and business operations caused by the rush to enter the market by both old and new model practitioners since the mid -1990s has also revived concerns amongst some scholars over the impact of marketization on the media and Chinese society. With the segmentation of Chinese society in terms of social stratification, more uncertainties have emerged: What are the mainstream media in China today, and what will they be like tomorrow? What are the target audiences of the media today, and how will they change in the future? What values are represented in the media?

  Within this general framework, we are particularly interested in articles that address the following topics

1. New vehicles of Chinese media (for example, Caijing, Nanfangzhoumo, Beijing Qingnianbao)

2. The new trends in journalism (for example, the rise of Yidijiandu) and new business practices (for example, the involvement of foreign and private capital)

3. Regulation of Chinese media in a market environment

4. Social changes and the media

5. Social functions of Chinese journalists

6. The impact of new media, particularly the Internet

7. Politics and the media

8. The economics and management of Chinese media

9. Chinese media and public opinion in China

10. Chinese media representations of China, of other countries, and of international issues

11. Chinese media's international impact

12. The “diasporic” or “Greater Chinese” media

  Potential contributors to this issue of the journal should submit abstracts of about 500 words, which should be sent electronically to the editor, Xin Xin ( x.xin@wmin.ac.uk) . The deadline for abstracts is 18 th April 2005. For more information about Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, and to view current issues, visit http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad/page-880


